Tuesday, July 19, 2011

hola chicuelos~!

Hello neighbors! Here you have the record that followed the almost personal side project of 'Juan Manuel', this duo from Monterrey put out this record that didn't have the distribution past records had pero had a ton of singles with their own music video and everything. But what's really interesting about this record are the "other" songs, the songs that didn't make it into the radio, the more calm, collected and cool stuff, really groovy stuff. A record from 2005 to revisit or check out for the first time, and to truly understand why these guys are still in the scene and why they've gotten the recognition they've gotten all over the globe. well deserved.

Hola vecinos! Hete aquí el disco que le siguió al experimento personal de 'Juan Manuel', el dúo de Monterrey saco este disco poco editado con varios sencillos que tuvieron video propio y toda la bola. Pero lo sorprendente de este disco son los "otros" temas, mas tranquilos, relajados y grooveros como diría mi amigo Manuel. un disco del 2005 para revisar nuevamente (o por primera vez) y entender verdaderamente porque estos muchachos todavía están en la escena y son respetados internacionalmente. merecido.

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